Frequently Asked Questions
Future Event Dates
July 18 - 20, 2025
Gaylord Texan Resort & Convention Center
Dallas, Texas
July 16 - 18, 2026
Gaylord National Resort & Convention Center
National Harbor, Maryland
July 8 - 10, 2027
Gaylord Opryland Resort & Convention Center
Nashville, Tennessee
What is included in a full conference registration?
- All General Sessions, including the mega, keynote, and wrap-up sessions
- Earn up to 20 CE credits by attending only general sessions all three days
- Access to the exhibit hall floor to visit and network with 125+ exhibitors
- Lunch on the exhibit hall floor Friday and Saturday
- Meeting kickoff party on Thursday, and receptions on the exhibit hall floor Friday, and Saturday evenings. Additional receptions are complimentary (on day(s) of paid registration). However, advanced registration is required, and space may be limited.
Please note: Workshops are NOT included in a full conference registration. Additional registration is required to attend workshops. For more information on how to register and registration prices CLICK HERE!
General Event
How do I get my dentist to help pay my tuition?
What meals are included?
- Full conference attendees receive lunch on Friday and Saturday, and drinks/snacks at each of the networking receptions on the exhibit hall floor.
Travel Tips
How do I book my hotel room?
- This year, you do not have to register for the conference in order to book a hotel room under our room block. The link to book your hotel room will be in your Under One Roof registration confirmation email.
How do I find a roommate?
- Join our Facebook page ( and our RDH Under One Roof private Facebook group (RDH Under One Roof Official) to become acquainted with fellow attendees.
What do I wear? How should I pack?
- Typical attire for attendees is business casual to casual. The session rooms will be set for 72 degrees. This can feel chilly to some, so bring a sweater or light jacket to wear during the day.
What activities does Denver offer?
A lot! Click here for details.
Exhibit Hall
Will I have time to visit the exhibit hall?
- Yes! And there is so much to see! Visit the exhibit hall during lunch, in-between sessions, and during the evening receptions. Not all of the courses start at the same time take a few minutes and get to know the exhibitors. CLICK HERE to view the 2024 interactive floor plan and list of exhibitors!
What is a General Session?
- General Sessions are large group courses open to all registered attendees. Seating is first come serve, come early get a good seat. No additional registration is needed to attend any of the general sessions.
What is a Workshop?
- Workshops are small group courses with hands-on elements. Workshops are ticketed and require additional registration for a nominal fee.
What if I am late to a course?
- In an effort to keep the conference program on schedule, courses start promptly. Be early!
- If you are late to a General Session, try to enter the room as quietly as possible and find a seat.
- If you are late to a Workshop, you may lose your seat! Workshops are always in high demand, and often sell out prior to the event. Onsite waitlists are used to fill empty seats. If you are late, your seat will likely be filled.
If you miss a workshop, you can choose to attend another workshop that is not already sold out. Check in with registration onsite to work out your specific situation. Please note: Refunds will NOT be issued on missed workshops.
Will there be course handouts?
- General Sessions will have handouts provided online approximately 30 days before the event. All pre-registered attendees will be sent an email notice that the handouts are ready to be printed and downloaded
- Workshop materials are all provided by the presenter, and handed out during the session.
CE Credits
How many credits can I expect to earn while attending UOR?
- You can earn up to 20 CE credits by attending only general sessions at each time slot all three days, including the mega, keynote and wrap-up sessions.
- Organize you time to fit your needs, the number of CE credits is indicated on each course. You can maximize your time, or only earn what you need.
How do I collect my CE credits?
- Onsite, there is a CE kiosk where you can collect your CE certifications of completion /verifications. At the end of every session you will be given a CE code. 1) Write down the code, visit the CE kiosk, log in, take the course evaluation, and print your CE verification. The CE kiosk will be open all three days of the event.
- After the event, you can collect your CE credits online by going to Instructions will be available onsite and on the RDH UOR website conference page after the event.
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What is included in a full conference registration?
- All General Sessions, including the mega, keynote, and wrap-up sessions
- Earn up to 20 CE credits by attending only general sessions all three days
- Access to the exhibit hall floor to visit and network with 125+ exhibitors
- Lunch on the exhibit hall floor Saturday and Sunday
- Meeting kickoff party on Friday, and receptions on the exhibit hall floor Saturday, and Sunday evenings. Additional receptions are complimentary (on day(s) of paid registration). However, advanced registration is required, and space may be limited.
Please note: Workshops are NOT included in a full conference registration. Additional registration is required to attend workshops. For more information on how to register and registration prices CLICK HERE!
General Event
How do I get my dentist to help pay my tuition?
What meals are included?
- Full conference attendees receive lunch on Saturday and Sunday, and drinks/snacks at each of the networking receptions on the exhibit hall floor.
Travel Tips
How do I book my hotel room?
- This year, you do not have to register for the conference in order to book a hotel room under the room block. The link to book your hotel room will be on the "Travel/Hotel" button under the Event Info tab at the top of this page.
How do I find a roommate?
- Join our Facebook page ( and our RDH Under One Roof private Facebook group (RDH Under One Roof Official) to become acquainted with fellow attendees.
What do I wear? How should I pack?
- Typical attire for attendees is business casual to casual. The session rooms will be set for 72 degrees. This can feel chilly to some, so bring a sweater or light jacket to wear during the day.
What activities does Dallas offer?
A lot! Click here for details.
Exhibit Hall
Will I have time to visit the exhibit hall?
- Yes! And there is so much to see! Visit the exhibit hall during lunch, in-between sessions, and during the evening receptions. Not all of the courses start at the same time take a few minutes and get to know the exhibitors. CLICK HERE to view the 2025 interactive floor plan and list of exhibitors!
What is a General Session?
- General Sessions are large group courses open to all registered attendees. Seating is first come serve, come early get a good seat. No additional registration is needed to attend any of the general sessions.
What is a Workshop?
- Workshops are small group courses with hands-on elements. Workshops are ticketed and require additional registration for a nominal fee.
What if I am late to a course?
- In an effort to keep the conference program on schedule, courses start promptly. Be early!
- If you are late to a General Session, try to enter the room as quietly as possible and find a seat.
- If you are late to a Workshop, you may lose your seat! Workshops are always in high demand, and often sell out prior to the event. Onsite waitlists are used to fill empty seats. If you are late, your seat will likely be filled.
If you miss a workshop, you can choose to attend another workshop that is not already sold out. Check in with registration onsite to work out your specific situation. Please note: Refunds will NOT be issued on missed workshops.
Will there be course handouts?
- General Sessions will have handouts provided online approximately 30 days before the event. All pre-registered attendees will be sent an email notice that the handouts are ready to be printed and downloaded.
- Workshop materials are all provided by the presenter, and handed out during the session.
CE Credits
How many credits can I expect to earn while attending UOR?
- You can earn up to 20 CE credits by attending only general sessions at each time slot all three days, including the mega, keynote and wrap-up sessions.
- Organize you time to fit your needs, the number of CE credits is indicated on each course. You can maximize your time, or only earn what you need.
How do I collect my CE credits?
- Onsite, there is a CE kiosk where you can collect your CE certifications of completion/verifications. At the end of every session you will be given a CE code. 1) Write down the code, visit the CE kiosk, log in, take the course evaluation, and print your CE verification. The CE kiosk will be open all three days of the event.
- After the event, you can collect your CE credits online by going to Instructions will be available onsite and on the RDH UOR website conference page after the event.
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PLEASE NOTE: Endeavor Business Media never sells or provides attendee or exhibitor information to unrelated third parties. If anyone is claiming to have or attempting to sell such a list, this is a scam and should be immediately reported to